My friend Paul Wood made this for me as thanks for supplying him with cucumbers. I got the better end of that deal - this is delicious.
Prep time: 15 minutes
Yield: about two quarts
3-4 good size cucumbers
16 ounces sour cream
16 ounces plain yogurt
1/2-2/3 quart buttermilk
1 bunch fresh dill
2 cloves garlic, crushed
Salt to taste
Peel and de-seed the cucumbers. Pour about 2 cups of buttermilk in a blender or food processor, then add sliced cucumbers. Process to a smooth consistency. Pour off 1/2 of the liquid into a large bowl, and put in more chopped cucumbers. Pour off about 1/2 the liquid again and add sour cream and yogurt. Continue until all ingredients are processed. Stir to mix.
Feel free to play around with the proportions. More sour cream to make it thicker and richer. In general, it's somewhat close to 1/3 of each.
After everything is mixed, pour back about 2 cups into the blender and add 7-8 branches of dill with the garlic and put the blender on high to really blend it. Pour everything together and add a little salt to taste. At this point you decide if you want more buttermilk, sour cream, yogurt or leave it alone!
It tastes best the next day when the garlic and dill really settle in.
Photo by Tod Dimmick
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