Powisset "Waldorf" Salad

This entree salad is delicious alone, or inside a summer sandwich. Fresh celery adds the world's best pungent fresh green crunch.  Must ... stop... eating ...

Prep time:  10 minutes
Yield:  4-6 sandwiches

1 1/2 "ish" cups cooked chicken, chopped
1 - 1 1/2 cups diced celery
1 cup seedless grapes, halved
1/4 cup diced sweet onion
1/4 cup chopped arugula
4-6 TB mayonnaise
2 tsp fresh dill, minced
Salt and pepper to taste
Whole grain rolls or wraps

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.  Spoon into rolls, or right onto your plate. 

Photo and Recipe by Tod Dimmick

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